Fall 21 Garden Gathering

Saturday, October 2nd was the quintessential Virginia fall day with a sky so blue it almost hurt to look upwards. And, for the first time in a few years, the community gardeners gathered in celebration – a community harvest festival, if you will, a chance to be joyful in each other’s company. The food was delicious – these people can really cook – and the conversation was better. It was great to see smiles unhidden by masks.

Friday in the garden

Friday’s weather was just perfect, a blue sky without blemish, and about ten students came out to finish the week by digging in numerous areas of the garden. They weeded, prepped bed space, thinned growing rows of plants and most importantly tasted, tried, laughed, and enjoyed. Fridays from 3:00-5:00 are a wonderful way to end the work week. Come and join us!

Figs (Ficus carica)

There’s been a major project underway at the garden to increase plantings around the exterior beds. Too many hands have contributed time and effort over the years to count but today I’d like to give some credit to Kip. Not only has he managed a bed in the community garden for the last few seasons, plus helped many other gardeners maintain and upgrade their own plots, plus takeover the garden’s shared herb space, but he also planted a huge number of both annual and perennial plants. Nut trees, apple trees, plums, grapes, sorghum, etc. And take note, he’s done this during a summer of high heat and little rainfall. Often have I watched him march around the garden with a heavy watering can in either hand, moving like an industrious bee from flower to flower.

Some fig trees existed in the garden and they’ve been added to and just yesterday, I saw the first ripe fig purpling and nodding, hanging heavy and ready to pluck. I brought it over to gardener Chris so that he could enjoy it. For him, as for so many others who have visited the garden, it was his first fresh fig and he pronounced it delicious. And they are. Fresh figs are so very different from dried figs. Get the real thing, if you’re lucky enough to have a source nearby. And ours will grow large and bear great amounts of fruit in time, along with many of the plants that Kip and the other gardeners have been stewarding.

Here’s an easy pizza recipe with fresh figs. Add some leafy greens and you’ve got simple deliciousness.


Garden visitors

Girl Scout Troop 3042 in Crozet visited the garden and learned about the benefits of a community garden and sustainability. They and their younger siblings and parents walked around smelling, touching, and tasting the assorted growing vegetables, herbs and flowers. Climbing the mulch mountain was very popular and, as it was a hot morning, so was spraying the hose. Hopefully they went home and began clamoring for gardening opportunities.

Thanks to all who visited, troop leaders Lauren Costella and Erin Lynch and, as always, the very cool Waverly Nohr- who made gardening fun.

Spring Gardening

It’s been a beautiful spring and the gardens are getting into full swing. We have about 25 individuals and families currently occupying the vegetable plots and have recently created two new beds: one for flowers and another for Madison House. Speaking of the UVA volunteers, they rejoined us again about a month ago and have been their usual source of joy and positive energy. It’s been such a comfort to have this community in the community garden during this past year.

Rock labels

Every year we make labels so that we can continue learning about what the plants look like in every stage of development. After all, a young sprout with it’s first two leaves looks an awful lot like a lot of other young sprouts. Or maybe we make them because it will help us remember later what we planted and less for other people. Perhaps it’s the joy inherent in the act of making something both beautiful and functional. Whatever the reason, every single season we gather to make more labels becomes a laughter filled occasion. Each label contains a picture of the plant, the Latin name, common name and usually, the name of the person who painted the rock. That way we know later who to remember and thank for the work they did that remains for future gardeners. Enjoy a few pictures from yesterday’s labor. One of them, Nate, you will note is handling his kale harvest and not a rock but since I like Nate a good deal and the picture I included it anyway.

United Way Thomas Jefferson Area Day of Caring

I look forward to this day every year. It’s the largest volunteer day of the year and a tremendous amount of work gets done in our local nonprofits and schools thanks to our local United Way office and this project. You can find more information about it here.

Sun Tribe Solar came back to the community garden to volunteer again for the second time in just a few months. I’m so impressed with just how fun and hardworking this group is. You can find out more information from their website.

And PVCC employees volunteered too! Thanks to Kit Decker, Corinne Faris, Ben Copeland, Kendra Powell, Karen Grunow, and Andrew Renshaw. And Becky Parkhill for coordinating and President Frank Friedman for his constant support of this day.

August update

I am pleased to report that the PVCC Community Garden has stayed open throughout the spring and summer and continued growing food for donation to local agencies. Our volunteers (there are no paid staff) have worked through a very hot summer, managed the coronavirus fears, kept masked and socially distanced, and done some magnificent work. All eight raised beds are in production and some of them had very heavy and productive seasons. We have nearly 25 individuals and families managing different plots. Fall planting has begun, even though the summer heat is still with us, and even though the PVCC campus is largely empty of students the garden has remained a friendly reminder of people caring for people. Digging in the dirt is also a concrete act to best the worst of this extended season’s megrims.

I would like to thank the cheerful and hardworking team of local company Relish Careers for doing a volunteering shift in the garden on Wednesday (https://www.relishcareers.com/). We are indebted to you for braving the heat and thunderstorms, weeding, tying up and the general neatening up that you helped with.

June update

All beds in the PVCC Community Garden are full and the garden is in overall good shape, even while the world outside rumbles with protests and returns from isolation. Approximately 25 individuals are regularly coming to garden and we’re beginning to get enough crops to harvest and feed them into the local food pantries, food banks, and local nonprofits.
Here are a few pictures from earlier this morning.

All beds in full swing

I just wanted to let readers know that we have stayed open throughout this spring growing season. There has been an influx of community members looking to grow and all of the plots are being taken care of by a mixture of new and experienced gardeners. A late frost took out some early tomatoes, peppers, and the like, even damaging the persimmon trees, but in a fine show of resilience our folks have dug in and already replanted. Last year’s row of blackberry and raspberry plants is growing nicely by the back fence and peach trees are starting to blush amidst the full foliage. We even have a small and growing wait list of people looking to join the garden.

It’s just been a delight and a comfort watching people maintaining both social distancing and their sanity, getting their hands in the soil and wringing forth new growth, so important in these days of stasis, fear and uncertainty.

Stay well. Keep on growing.